Is Apple Missing a Trick in the Mid-Range Smartphone Market?

The launch of the Pixel 7a got me thinking this week and led me to the question is Apple missing a trick by not having a phone to really compete in this space?

With the removing the iPhone Mini from the line, the next option is the iPhone SE which is around the £450 mark. I think that there are more and more people considering getting a mid-range over a flagship smartphone for some key reason.

1) Size

2) Camera System

3) Features

Let’s dive into each of these in a bit more detail.


Now I know that it is not always the case, but mid-range phones tend to be the smaller size. Flagship phones tend to be Pro Max or Ultra and are certainly not phones that will fit in your pocket with ease.

When we look at the Google Pixel 7a, it is the smallest in size of all the Pixels, and Apple did/does have its iPhone mini-series, but the 13 Mini appears to be the last.

Apple’s SE is also on the small side at 5.45 inches, but the screen size is actually only 4.7 inches, so you are getting a lot of bezel with your phone. There is defiantly a market for the mid-range small in size phone if done the right way.

Camera System

OK, so the camera system is not going to be the same as the flagships, as they are always going to have the best. And that you may find that people that are really bothered about the camera system are going to be the ones that will buy a flagship device.

But if I go back to the Pixel 7a, it has a really good camera system for the price. It’s got a lot of what the Pixel 7 has in that both have a wide angle and ultra-wide lens and, of course, a front-facing camera. the Pixel 7a does, however, have a new sensor. So has a slightly different MP across the lens.

which makes it a really good option for people who want a really good camera system but don’t want to be spending upwards of £500.

Where Google is giving you something really close to its flagship phones, Apple is not really hitting the mark with the SE, in my opinion. You are getting a single 12 MP main camera and a 7 MP front-facing camera.


The software might not be a big issue in terms of the phones will have the latest iOS version to Android version. I think the difference comes with features like face unlock, for example as well as the chip that the phone is using.

When we look at what Apple has in this mid-range market in the iPhone SE, it has the A15 bionic chip and still rocks the home button, which does support Touch ID.

I will go back to the Pixel 7a again, but when it comes to features, it has the same Google Tensor G2 chips as the Pixel 7 and & Pro powering, so it should be nice and quick.

We also have the under-screen fingerprint unlock as well as face unlock, the same as its bigger siblings. You also get a 90 Hz refresh rate which is an upgrade on the Pixel 6a from last year.


For me, Google is doing great things in this space and providing good quality smartphones that cover most of the bases for what people want for a great price.

Apple, on the other hand, has decided to pull the iPhone Mini, which, although costing £649 which may be a bit higher in price for a mid-range smartphone, seemed a better option than the SE.

Now I can’t say that I have used a SE but looking at reviews and specs of this phone, it seems to be a bit of an afterthought in the Apple lineup. This is surely a space that Apple can look to exploit with the cost of living soaring.

I would like to see Apple release a true mid-range phone that can challenge the likes of Google and the like of Samsung.



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