Should The Theory Of Learning Styles Affect How We Create Content?

This one is for all the content creators out there, whether you’re into blogging, vlogging, content marketing, or just doing it for yourself. Have you ever found yourself second guessing your work when trying to produce the perfect piece of content? If you’re nodding, welcome to the club. Creating content certainly takes some confidence since your work will be out there for all to see. Hopefully, some will love it, and maybe others will judge it, but the reality is that creating content definitely has an element of vulnerability attached to it. So, for all of you out there who often wonder how your content is being received and if it’s actually making a difference, today we’ll consider the impact of learning styles on content creation.

So, What Do Learning Styles Have To Do With Anything?

Let’s kick off with a crash course in learning styles. Essentially, they’re the ways we prefer to learn, usually categorised as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Some people swear by them like their morning coffee, while others shrug them off as mere myths.

But here’s the twist: despite the controversy, the concept of learning styles has clung to the world of education and content creation like gum to a shoe. It’s persistent, and maybe, just maybe, there’s something to it.

When we apply this level of thinking to content creation, learning styles might affect how the viewer of the content views the content, retains the information therein, and builds that information into their thought processes. It could be a very useful tool in the world of marketing, where brands fight for influence with the buyers of their products.

The Visual And Auditory Crowd

Think of a visual learner, this is someone who soaks up information through images, diagrams, and the magic of sight. Then there’s the auditory learner, for whom spoken words are like music to their ears. Literally.

Now, if you’re creating content, these distinctions can feel like a tightrope walk over a canyon of confusion. Should you flood your work with images or pepper it audio? Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all hat.

Painting Pictures For The Visual Learners

Visual learners are very much like tourists with cameras, capturing the world through images. They thrive on content that’s rich in visuals – think colourful infographics, compelling videos, and captivating diagrams. By catering to this style, you transform your content into a visual feast, making it more engaging and memorable. Think about something with striking visuals that has stuck with you. Why is that?

Impact Of Visual Content

Enhanced Retention

Visuals can seriously skyrocket retention rates. It’s like sticking a post-it note in someone’s brain. Experts suggest that people can remember between 50% and 80% of what they see, as opposed to just 20% – 30% of what they read.

Faster Processing

The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. It’s like comparing the speed of a sports car to a bicycle. Visual obviously requires interpretation, whereas text can provide context, so don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, but you have to consider the value of visuals in a world where you are competing for the viewer’s time.

Emotional Connection

Images can evoke emotions more effectively than words. They’re the shortcuts to our hearts. While not all decision-making is driven by the limbic system, emotions can be extremely powerful drivers in decision-making if the right emotion is evoked.

Tuning In To The Auditory Learners

Now, switch gears to the Auditory learners. These people absorb information through listening. They’re your podcast enthusiasts, the ones who can recall every word of a great speech. When you weave auditory elements into your content, like podcasts, narrations, or even rhythmic textual patterns, you’re hitting the right notes for these learners.

Impact Of Auditory Content

Greater Accessibility

Auditory content can be consumed on the go, making it more accessible. It’s like having a conversation with someone while they’re multitasking. Think of someone listening to a podcast on the train in the mornings.

Nuanced Understanding

Tone, pace, and inflection add layers of meaning. It’s the difference between reading a joke and hearing it delivered by a comedian. It adds context and leaves the listener without too much interpretation.

Memory Boost

Information heard can be as sticky as catchy jingles. Ever had a tune stuck in your head? That’s the power of auditory learning. Having said that, it needs to be the right auditory content; otherwise, you’ve lost the person.

The Symbiosis Of Sight And Sound

When you blend visual and auditory content, you’re not just catering to two groups; you’re creating a harmonious symphony of learning. It’s like mixing the perfect cocktail – the flavours complement each other, creating a richer experience.

Symbiotic Impact

Wider Appeal

Combining visual and auditory elements makes your content appealing to a broader audience. You’re not just baking a cake; you’re adding the icing and the cherry on top.

Reinforced Learning

Information presented both visually and audibly is reinforced. It’s like learning the dance steps and hearing the music; both work together to create a more profound understanding.

Increased Engagement

Diverse content formats keep the audience hooked. It’s the difference between a one-flavour buffet and a multi-cuisine feast.

So, catering to both these learning types in content creation is like being a conductor of an orchestra. You have the power to make your content resonate with a wider audience, ensuring that your message doesn’t just reach them but sticks with them. Think of the most striking content pieces you’ve come across recently. Did they have visual and auditory elements, and how effective were they?

Kinesthetic? More Like “Kin-Esthetic!”

Here comes the third and also quite a large portion of the population: the kinesthetic learners – those who learn by doing, touching, and experiencing. They’re the ones who’d rather build the Lego set than read the instructions. Tricky to cater to in a digital world, right? But not impossible. Interactive content, anyone? Tools like VR and immersive visuals can really drive home content with this crowd.

The Multi-Modal Mix-Up

Most people are multimodal learners. That means they mix and match their learning styles like a DJ with a playlist. This tidbit adds a layer of complexity to our content creation challenge. How do you juggle these styles without dropping the ball? The simple question is through some trial and error and keeping an eye on your analytics. The objective of effective content creation is not to tick learning style boxes, but to see results and engagement.

The Golden Question: To Adapt Or Not To Adapt?

So, should we tailor our content to these learning styles? It’s like trying to choose a favourite dessert at a buffet – complicated.

One side argues that customising content for specific learning styles is like giving a personalised gift. It shows you care, and it resonates. On the flip side, some say it’s not as effective as you’d like and that true results come from staying in your niche. We say, focus on becoming the best storyteller you can imagine yourself to be. If you’re working Youtube content, then work hard at planning your videos, have a proper video script and deliver your content with heart. If you’re blogging, then make sure that you’re writing in a way that grips your audience, be descriptive and add personality to your pieces. While learning styles should be a consideration, it should not be your main objective.

The “One Size Fits All” Myth

Treating content creation as a “one size fits all” garment is like wearing socks with sandals – it just doesn’t fit everyone. Sure, it’s easier, but easy doesn’t always mean effective. Content that resonates usually requires a bit more elbow grease.

Engagement Is The Bottom Line

In our digital age, engaging content is king, and interactivity is its crown jewel. It’s the magic that can make learning styles relevant and your content stickier than a toffee pudding.

So, should learning styles dictate how we create content? It’s not a clear-cut “yes” or “no.” It’s more of a “let’s think about it.” It’s about understanding your audience, mixing in a bit of science, a dash of creativity, and a sprinkle of experimentation.
