5 Ways to Improve your Productivity

I am always on the lookout for ways to improve my productivity. Do you often get to the end of the day and think I have been busy but don’t feel like you have achieved much, I certainly do. You can tick off items on your to do list but just as many have appeared […]

Notebook vs Digital Apps – Why I use both

As you probably already know I’m a massive technology fan and think that it can massively help with productivity but in recent weeks I have been finding myself reverting back to my old school notebook. Firstly I started using my notebook for work situations such as capturing meeting notes and keeping my daily to do […]

My Productivity Tips

Productivity Tips

In this weeks blog I wanted to share some of the things that I do to try and increase my productivity. Since working from home productivity is something I have really started looking into and what I can do or the tech/apps that I can use to help me get stuff that I need to […]