Why I sold my MacBook Pro

macbook pro, adapter, usb-c-2381729.jpg

This week I sold my MacBook Pro (intel 2020) model which was a bit sad as I do love this laptop. I would safely say that this has been the best laptop that I have owned, It looks amazing and runs with no problem. I have worked on my website and edited Video’s for my YouTube channel which its handles with no issues at all. There are however some good reasons why I decided to sell it.

1) M1 mac mini

So i decided to purchase the Mac mini as my main machine as it had the M1 chips and is so much cheaper than getting another MacBook with M1 chip. So that is now the machine that I use as my daily personal machine. I will be writing a review on this but I would say that this is a great alternative if you are not wanting to spend a small fortune on an M1 MacBook Pro. 

2) i was using it 

I was also using  this for work but as its not available on BYOD anymore it was just sat on the side looking pretty. Although I would occasionally use it just not as much I would like to be able to justify keeping it.

3) iPad Pro

So this probably the biggest reason for selling the MacBook. When I am not in my office I use the iPad Pro with the magic keyboard, it where I write my blog posts and also my the scripts for my YouTube Videos. I also watch a lot of content on it as well so I would say that this along with my phone are the devices that I use the most on a day to day basis. I really think that this could replace your laptop if you are just looking for something to do everyday computing. 

4) to invest in other tech

In order to keep buying and reviewing other bits of tech I need to look at selling some of the bits that I don’t use to reinvest as this is not a cheap passion/hobby. So this money will be used to buy some none apple tech that I want to review. No I am not moving away from Apple I just want to be a bit more diverse to be able to review alternatives for you good folk.

I did have to think long and hard about selling my beloved MacBook Pro but I really couldn’t just let it sit gathering dust when someone else could be getting so much out of it. This has also made me think more about what other tech that I have that I am not really use or do not really need, so maybe this could be the start of minimising my tech and using what I need and not what I want (well it could happen).



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