Should The Theory Of Learning Styles Affect How We Create Content?

This one is for all the content creators out there, whether you’re into blogging, vlogging, content marketing, or just doing it for yourself. Have you ever found yourself second guessing your work when trying to produce the perfect piece of content? If you’re nodding, welcome to the club. Creating content certainly takes some confidence since […]

How To Improve Your Writing With Notion AI

Imagine of Notion AI homepage

I have been Notion now for a good couple of years to organise my blog content and publishing schedule, recently I saw that that had added a new feature called Notion AI so I thought I would give it a try. What is Notion AI? Notion AI is an intelligent assistant that is designed to […]

The 4 Tools I Use Before Publishing a New Blog Post

photo highlighting how to blog like a boss

If blogging is your thing, you know that it’s essential always to ensure your work is top-notch before pushing it out into the world. That’s why having a good set of blogging tools for checking and double-checking your writing can be invaluable. I’m always running my blog posts through four essential tools: – Grammarly – […]

5 Reason Why You Should Try Writing in Ulysses

writing on a laptop

I am always looking for new writing apps to try and see if they can add to or improve my writing process. So over the past few weeks, I have been trying out the writing app Ulysses. This is an app specifically aimed at Apple user and sync seamlessly across all of your Apple Device. […]

Creator FOMO? One of the Biggest Pitfalls for New Creators


This is something that I am certainly struggling with so thought why not share those struggles with you lovely people? Let’s start off with what is FOMO. Well, it’s the Fear of Missing Out, we all get this from not wanting to miss out on a night out to not being part of a group […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Side Hustle Today

I recently decided to turn my blog into a side hustle rather than just doing it as a hobby. I think more and more people are exploring the opportunity of starting their side hustles and here are some reasons why I think if you are considering it you should take the plunge.  Supplement your income: […]

What I Have Learnt from My First 6 Months Writing on Medium

So it finally happened I hit 100 followers and signed up and got accepted to the Medium Partner Programme. This was very exciting for me as it feels like the first substantial step toward making money out of my blog. It has not happened overnight for me and I have read other writers that have […]

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