At WWDC, Apple announced that they are going to be launching their Journal App with iOS17. I am a fan of journaling and personally use the Day One app to capture my thoughts on a day-to-day basis. So What is this Journal App going to bring to the table in the world of digital journalling, and what could it mean for the like of Day One?
Let’s look at some of the features that we can expect to see when it comes with iOS 17 later this Year.
Machine Learning
The app effectively turns your iPhone into a digital diary that allows you to log your thoughts and activities. It will use on-device machine learning to provide you with personalised suggestions to add for you to write about in your journal for that day.
It will prompt you based on what you have been doing, such as photos that you have taken, music that you might have been listening to, as well your workout for that day. This can all be added to the entry so you can reflect back on the day, whether that be a normal day or a special event.
So you may get a notification to write a day trip out based on pictures that were taken at that location. By tapping on that prompt it will add the information automatically to a draft post for the day in the Journal App, ready to add to later and publish.
The app has been designed with security and privacy in mind using end-to-end encryption. You will be able to lock your Journal so only you have access to what is in there, and all your entries will sync over the end-to-end encryption to your iCloud.
You will also be able to choose which data is used for generating your suggestions as well as scheduling notifications to remind you to complete your journal entry for the day.
Apples Journal App will compete with the likes of Day One but will have an advantage over these apps as it will have deep integration to all of the other Apple Apps on your phone., which they don’t have access to.
Other journalling apps often charge a subscription fee to unlock their premium features, whereas the Apple Journal App will come and work with iPhone hardware running iOS 17.
Final Thoughts
I am really looking forward to this being released later in the year and, hopefully, on one of the Beta updates. One thing that I haven’t seen mentioned is the app being available across Apple Devices. When I am journalling I like to be able to use my iPad with an external keyboard as I find It easier. This is where Day One still has an advantage for me, as you can start on one device and pick up another.
I can certainly see this being very popular, and I am happy that Apple has added this to iOS. Along with being able to log your mood, this adds to Apple’s wellness & mental health feature, which is great and something that I am glad to see them growing.
Will it kill off an app like Day One? I am not so sure about that. I will reserve judgement till we get the app and can start using it.