The best blogging apps for creating your blog posts

picture of a person blogging on a laptop

The best blogging apps for creating your blog posts I have been writing my blog for about 18 months and have been building out the tools I use to create my blog posts. So in this blog post, I wanted to run through the best blog apps I have found that I am using today […]

Blogging on Medium – 4 months of the Partner Program

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It’s been roughly four months since I was accepted into the Medium Partner Programme so I thought I would give you all a quick update on my progress and what sort of money I have been making monthly. For those of you that have not come across Medium before it is a blogging platform where […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Side Hustle Today

I recently decided to turn my blog into a side hustle rather than just doing it as a hobby. I think more and more people are exploring the opportunity of starting their side hustles and here are some reasons why I think if you are considering it you should take the plunge.  Supplement your income: […]

What I Have Learnt from My First 6 Months Writing on Medium

So it finally happened I hit 100 followers and signed up and got accepted to the Medium Partner Programme. This was very exciting for me as it feels like the first substantial step toward making money out of my blog. It has not happened overnight for me and I have read other writers that have […]

Why I Made the Decision to Build a Website and Started Blogging

I wanted to finish this week with another post about my blogging and explain why I built my Website and started blogging. I started building my website and blog just over a year ago but I had been thinking about it for years before taking the step to just get started. The fear of putting […]

Why I Have Decided to Solely Focus on My Blog for Now

How does the saying go jack of all trades and master of none. Since I started my blog over a year ago, I have struggled to grow my audience and be consistent. I do get some traffic to my site through social media etc but not to the level where I could look at potentially […]